Thursday, September 13, 2012

California (part 2)

Days 3 and 4: Shopping- Beach- Whale Watching

(No pictures of shopping, but it happened...)
They had this little couch just Hayes's size at the condo and he just loved that thing.
Hayes didn't really appreciate being buried. It was short lived.
Swings on the beach!
Building sandcastles!
AKA - Joe building sandcastles and Hayes destroying them with his shovel.
Pool time!

Hayes wasn't a big fan of the water this trip... But at least he looks cute just observing :)
Pretty waterfall at the condo and cute boys after swimming.
This pretty much sums up the first 30 minutes of our whale watching adventure.
Hayes would not stay put and the boat was rocking so he kept falling over.
Lant switched off turns with me chasing Hayes because Joe was sea sick...
Luckily, Hayes chilled out after awhile and Joe started feeling better so we ended up enjoying the rest of the ride.

The cool guys stand at the back of the boat.
Soo we didn't see any whales... So disappointing!
We saw a ton of dolphins so that was cool and it was way pretty to be on the water at sunset.
I really just wanted to see a whale though :(

Isn't it pretty? (picture credit goes to Lant)
That pretty much sums up our trip! The last day we basically just packed up and traveled home.  Back to real life! So long California! You did us good!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! Glad you guys could go! There. I commented. :)
