Thursday, August 9, 2012

My 15 Month Old Cutie

15 months!? Since when am I old enough to have a toddler? :) Here are a few things to remember about my Hazey.

1. Hayes has these curly blonde locks that are to die for. Hayes is going to be a heart breaker, I'm sure of it.

2. Joe and I think Hayes is a baby genius. :) I swear, he is so smart. I don't even want to try and list all the words he says because I know I'll forget some and he says something new everyday!

3. He has definitely hit the toddler stage where, "no" is an all too common word around our house, and tantrums are an almost daily thing.  I'm learning patience.  He will be the sweetest little thing and then something doesn't go his way and BAM- he is a monster. haha. It's hard at this age because he's too young to understand a lot, but we are trying to teach him that whining and crying is not how we get what we want in life.  I thought I had some pretty proud moments in life, but let me tell you, those times don't even come close to the moment when I hear, "hep peas," (help please) from my little boy, instead of whining for something.  Seriously, these are the moments to live for people.

4. Hayes loves to please his parents and to make us laugh. He just beams when we tell him to do something and then praise him for it afterwords.

5. He is so funny and we just love playing with him and seeing what silly things he will come up with.  He surprises us all the time with how much he knows and observes.  The kid has so much energy, it is crazy.  He still just wants to go, go, go, 24/7. Sitting is not an option, and exploring everything within his reach is his goal. You can understand that grocery shopping and church have become quite the task.

6. He really is such a sweetie and gives out "loves" freely. He brings such a bright and loving spirit into our home.  I love that snuggly little guy.

7. Hayes is my best little buddy.

Being a mom is hard sometimes. Every stage brings new joys and new challenges.  I've learned I've got to be a lot more go with the flow than I normally would be.  I'm all about the schedules and stress out when things don't go as planned, but sometimes you just can't plan it all with a baby toddler.  I hear about other people's children and how perfect and well behaved they are and just think, "hmm. well my kid is crazy." haha. No, he really is a good little boy.  I can't think of a greater calling in life than being a mom, even with all of its ups and downs.  I know Heavenly Father helps me grow through my energetic little boy and Hayes teaches me the perfect kind of love.

Hayes keeps on growing for some reason, even when I tell him to stop.  He will, however, always be my baby boy.


  1. He is the cutest thing! oh my goodness!!

  2. We loved reading all your neat comments about being a, mother. A moms love is prey incredible.
