Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Haven!

Ok everyone, I'm going to use Haven's birthday as a good excuse to make my first blog post. Just wanted to let my beautiful, amazing wife know how much I love her and wish her the happiest 21st birthday ever. I am so grateful for her and all that she does for me. I know she will be the most amazing mother to our little boy (fingers crossed)... Let me just say that any child that is born into this family is going to be the luckiest baby ever to have Haven as their mom. I'd like to make a special shout out to Chris and Stacy for raising such an amazing girl. Thanks for passing her off to me. That must have been hard cause I could never pass her back. I love her more and more every day and I know that it will only continue to be that way. Happy birthday love, I hope you had a very special day!

Here are some examples of the crazy faces that Haven makes- one of the reasons I love her so much!
Just playin' around
(Top Left to right, then bottom left to right)
Sick, Pretend Excited, Wants to die, Too much Diet Mountain Dew

I'm a gangster, Who knows....? Who knows again?
Sexy face, Excited to eat at Olive Garden

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to hear your love for her! Happy Birthday, Haven!
