Sunday, March 20, 2011

Woe Is Me

I'd mostly like to dedicate this post to complaining so if you were thinking about reading it, you probably don't really want to- this is really for my benefit.

List of Complaints

1. I want my voice back- I lost it on Friday night and it keeps getting worse. It's just frustrating not being able to talk. Plus I think it's easier for Joe to pretend he didn't hear me.

2. I want to sleep. For some reason my illness peaks at night and my body refuses to sleep through it. I've been getting about 3-5 hours of sleep the last few nights and that is just not enough. I miss my Nyquil- I will never take it for granted again.

3. I haven't been able to walk on my treadmill since Monday. I always feel so much better after an hour walking with my little weights on the treadmill and I've been feeling so sick and weak that I haven't gotten that boost at all. Ugh.

4. I feel like I've been some sort of sick for a year now! On top of my strep throat/not being able to breathe, I've been getting morning sickness AGAIN- yuck.

5. I don't think I've stopped complaining all week... lucky husband... and today is Joe's birthday! Ahh I'm the worst.  Since I was up at 5 a.m. I figured the least I could do was make him a big breakfast in bed.  Immediately followed by throwing up in the bathroom because cooking the bacon got to me... No Sunday breakfast for me :( But he told me it was delicious, and I'm thinkin it probably was due to I'm a pretty good breakfast maker :)

On a lighter note, I've got to say how sweet my husband is and came up with the idea to have a "sick party" with me.  Last night I took a bath and came out to our big blow up mattress set up in the living room with tons of blankets and pillows all laid out to watch our movies.  Also, a nice cup of hot cocoa for my throat, my bottle of ice water, a bunch of cough drops, and a roll of toilet paper set to the side. How cute is that? haha. Love my husband!

Joe getting the sick party started!


  1. how cute of joe!!! hav you are gorgeous and i love you!

  2. take unisom! its ok to take while being pregnant! you will get lots of sleep! get better!

  3. Haven…you are a tiny little pregnant lady!!! I love your baby room!!! You are going to be such a cute mom:).
