Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fun at the Park

The weather has been so nice around here and we are loving it!
I decided to take Hayes to the park today for his first swinging experience.
He was lovin' it. It was pretty cute.
 I tried to take him out of the swing after awhile and he gripped on so tight!
He did not want to be done.  It was a good time!
Also, turns out when you go to the park you instantly become BFF's with all the other "park moms."
I now know a lot of information about people I will probably never see again...
It's kind of weird haha.
Anyway, here are some pictures of the first of many park adventures this spring/summer.
(I know Hayes's shorts are a bit hiked up in the swing haha)


1 comment:

  1. oh he is so perfect i adore him from hundreds of miles away! adorable and you are gorgeous!!!!!
