Friday, November 16, 2012

We Love Our Toddler! 18 Months

Where have the last 6 months gone? I feel like I was just planning Hayes’s 1st birthday party and now I have a little toddler running around.
Hayes is an energetic little sponge these days.  He soaks up everything we say and do.  The funniest things come out of his mouth. When he drops something he’ll often say “crap,” or “oh, shoot.”  He can say just about anything/word you tell him to say.  Hayes just loves learning and doing new things.  He’s very observant.  I’ll find him putting his teddy bears to bed with a blankie or he'll try to put diapers on them.  He’s going to be the cutest older brother someday! (not an announcement :))  We let him pretend to shave with daddy and he’ll tap the (covered) razor on the sink just like Joe does.  Seriously, I can’t tell you how much we love watching this little guy grow!
He has been sick and got his first ear infection this week.  It’s weird to see him lay around and watch a movie or want to sit and read book after book with me.  He’s usually on the go all the time.  It’s kind of nice actually…. Haha. But, I feel so sad for him when he is sick. He’s recently gotten into “Finding Nemo” and asks to watch it regularly.  I could quote the whole thing.
I’m pretty attached to this little man. I just can’t picture him being too cool for me one day because we are the best of buds right now. He’s a pretty big mama’s boy. I’d be okay with it if he stays that way. He’s been letting me rock him to sleep lately and I’m soaking up every minute of it!
Hayes is so funny and has such a fun little personality. I love that he can express himself more and more everyday. 
It’s not all cakes and rainbows around here though. Hayes is very strong willed and stubborn! He can throw a fit or two or three… He hates to get dressed or get his diaper changed.  Like it is some big surprise every single time that he has to get dressed for the day.  He is definitely testing his limits. Sometimes he will just try to be naughty and he’ll hit anything in his sight (even himself!) and then look at me like, “what are you going to do about it?” Haha I have to look away to smile sometimes because his little moods can be funny... and sometimes not so funny....  He likes to say, “mean,” and “naughty,” when he knows he’s doing something wrong too.  I’ll just hear the word “naughty,” from the other room and know I need to go see what he’s getting in to! Of all of the things I have learned from Hayes, patience, is one of the biggest!  Toddlers will be toddlers right?!
We are so grateful for our little Hayes.  He is truly the greatest blessing.  What was life like before we had him?! It seems like it never existed and we are so glad he is part of our family!
 Our next door neighbor,  Sara Vaz, is a photographer and offered to do a couple of photo shoots with us.  One day we went and did family pictures for Christmas cards and then another day she did "lifestyle" shots where she just came to our house and took pictures of us just playing with Hayes and hanging out- we also got some decorating our Christmas tree!!  I won't post the Christmas ones yet so no one gets mad at me.... seriously, people of strong feelings about this.  Anyway, here are some cute ones she got of Hayes in our house :)
The funnest part of building towers is knocking them over!

Story of my life...

Hello? Hayes pretending to talk on the phone can get pretty funny.

Favorite.  This boy loves his dad!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! He's such a little stud!
    He will KEEP teaching you patience for forever, I least that's how my girls have been so far...
