Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hey Baby, Lets Go to Vegas

We got a wild hair and decided to take off to Las Vegas this week.  Joe had Thursday and Friday off so we figured we'd take advantage of it and take a little family trip. Wednesday night we stayed in St. George and then spent Thursday and Friday in Vegas. I hadn't been there since I was in grade school.
Honestly, I didn't like Las Vegas all that much.  I didn't like the feeling there, the basically naked girls on every billboard, the strip bars every other building, the weirdo's walking around, all the smoking gave me headaches, and it just seemed dirty. (Can you tell I'm a small town girl?) I just wanted to put a big bubble around Hayes.  Do I really have to raise my precious little guy in this crazy world? Ahh...
Hayes gettin' pumped for Vegas.
Whoohoo! Roadtrip!
Water show
Walking around the strip
Whose that handsome fella?
Water show
We took Hayes to see the lions at MGM Grand.
Joe knelt down and the lion came and put his face right up to Hayes's.

Anyways. Overall, I really did enjoy the trip.  We did some fun stuff. Even if we were in bed by 10 pm every night, we had a good time. The resorts were nice and relaxing. It was nice to spend 2 whole days with my boys- they make me happy.

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